The Challenge

  • Struggled with Youtube ads for over a year and tried 3 different agencies without success.

  • Spending money, without any leads or clients.

Dr. Angela Laurie | Business Coach

“Within 2 weeks, we started seeing leads coming through. And what was awesome was the leads were costing us about half of what we were spending on Facebook and other channels, but they were converting twice as well. We are so thrilled with our work with Video Power, it has transformed our business and we have twice the number of clients that we did before working with them and spending half as much on advertising."

The Solution

  • Created a high-performing video ad that brought in a consistent flow of qualified leads / sales.

  • Setup tracking, structured campaigns, optimized their landing page, offer, video, audience, and campaign so we were only spending money on their highest performing ads.

  • Targeted their exact audience using YouTube and Google audiences.

The Results

75% Lowered Cost Per Lead by 75% within 1 week
380% Increase number of leads by 380% within 1 week
100 'sHundreds of Qualified Applications Every Month