Every decision we make, every person we meet, and every action we take has the potential to change our future.
Let’s play a game called "Connect the Dots"—a way to trace back the key people, decisions, and events that led us to where we are today.
I recently shared this exercise on stage at the Flight Club Mastermind, and many attendees told me it was their favorite part of my talk. So, I wanted to share it with you.
How did I find myself on that stage? Here’s the journey that led me there:
Last year, I was introduced to Glen Ledwell, who runs the Flight Club Mastermind. I loved the people in the room, gained valuable insights, and realized I had a higher chance of hitting my goals by joining. Soon after, I was invited to speak at the next event.
I met Glen through my good friend Brad Hart, whom I’ve known for nine years. Brad and I have spoken at events, attended masterminds, and collaborated in various ways over the last decade.
Nine years earlier, I met Brad at a small mastermind in Moncton, Canada, hosted by Dan Martell. With only ten entrepreneurs in the room, I felt like the least experienced person there. But it opened my eyes to what was possible in business and life. I learned from people who had already solved the challenges I was facing.
A year before that, Dan Martell sent me a Twitter DM. I didn’t know who he was and he had just started his YouTube channel and wanted help creating YouTube ads to grow his business. (I remember when he had fewer than 1,000 subscribers—he stayed consistent, providing value every week, and now he has over 1 million!)
He reached out because he had seen one of my presentations on YouTube Ads at the Traffic & Conversion Summit the year before.
The year before that, I was on the main stage at Traffic & Conversion Summit, speaking to thousands—the biggest audience I’d ever faced.
I was speaking right before Kevin Harrington (the “As Seen on TV” guy and an original Shark on Shark Tank). He built his career on TV, and here I was—some unknown kid—telling everyone how YouTube was going to replace TV.
That moment felt surreal. Just four months earlier, I had been working in a cubicle at my 9-to-5 job.
Three months before that, I received an unexpected email from Ryan Deiss, the CEO of Digital Marketer. I didn’t know who he was at the time either but a quick Google search told me he was legit. He told me he had seen my YouTube ads, purchased my course, and was looking for someone to speak at Traffic & Conversion Summit about YouTube Ads.
Of course, I said yes! But how did Ryan even know who I was and why would he ask me to speak on the main stage?
Ryan found me through a YouTube ad I had launched just a month earlier. At the time, no one was talking about YouTube Ads and I had no idea that this one campaign would change my life.
Ryan reached out because he was trying to learn more about video marketing. I had just created my first ad for Video Power Marketing, launched a YouTube ad campaign, and unknowingly set off a chain of events that would shape my future.
Why did I run that ad?
Because one month earlier, I had quit my job to start Video Power Marketing and I had a family to take care of.
We had just had our first child. I had hospital bills, a mortgage, and a family to support. I needed a way to share my story, create value for others, get clients and make this work—because failure was not an option.
(There are countless people who have contributed to my journey, and it’s impossible to name them all. But I have to mention my wife, Danielle, my kids, and my parents—without them, I wouldn’t have been in a position to even place these dots).
Looking back, I see how advertising and masterminds have opened doors I didn’t even know existed. When the right person watches your video at the right time, and you deliver value, your life can change
So, keep creating. Keep sharing. You never know who’s watching.
What dots have led you to where you are today?
What new dots are you going to place today that will bridge the gap to your future?