The Challenge

  • She maxed out her leads / clients acquisition organically from her website and blog and wanted to scale her business past organic reach.

  • Didn’t have a high-quality video that reflected her brand and where it was going (She was shooting a lot of videos herself with her desktop camera).

  • Past agencies were unable to drive leads that converted into buyers.

Mariah Coz | Digital Business Coach

“Video Power Marketing is the only ads team that has ever been able to run ads profitably for my company, and VERY VERY profitable at that. We work with them on both our Youtube ads and our Facebook ads. It has been an absolute game changer to have the same team working on both of the ad platforms at the same time. Truly there is no one else who knows the strategies that are working like they do.”

The Solution

  • Created a high-performing video ad that was professionally produced, allowed her to be her authentic self (without feeling salesy) which brought in a consistent flow of qualified leads & sales

  • Setup tracking, structured campaigns, optimized her video, audiences, and campaign so we were only spending money on their highest performing ads.

  • Targeted their exact audience using YouTube and Google audiences.

The Results

4XThe revenue of her business quadrupled within 365 days
34%Lowered application cost by 34% in 4 months while doubling spend
572%For every $1 she spent on ads, she got $5.72 back