The Challenge

  • They struggled to get a consistent flow of high quality/qualified leads.

  • They didn't have a video that represented their brand, built trust and inspired action.

  • Facebook ads were wasting money and getting no sales.

Liz Simpson | Business Coach

Since working with VPM, we now average multiple six figures a month through our partnership. We have two full-time sales people on our team that literally can’t handle the leads that we are getting month after month. We are at a point where we operate as an evergreen funnel and our relationship with VPM has been one of the most crucial relationships when it comes to our business growth.

The Solution

  • Created a high performing video ad that brought in a consistent flow of qualified leads and sales.

  • Setup tracking, structured campaigns, optimized their landing page, offer, video, audience, and campaign so we were only spending money on their highest performing ads.

  • Targeted their exact audience using YouTube and Google audiences.

The Results

300 Generated Over 300 Quality Applications While Lowering the Cost Per Application by 400%
10X Drove a 10X ROAS
Turning $1 into $10 every month with no loss of ad performance for 2 years
6-Figures Consistently hit revenue goals while averaging multiple 6-figures a month from partnerships