The Challenge

  • Stone Coat was making sales, but they had poor tracking so they did not know where to implement strategy

  • They were wasting money on ads & campaigns that were not profitable

  • They were not technically minded so they did not know how to track their data properly to make the right decisions

Mike Quist | eCommerce

“I cannot say enough about how the team at VPM have affected our business in a positive manner. We were struggling in tracking and reporting so could not make the right decisions to move the budgets forward and scale. VPM implemented the tracking and enabled us to know exactly where we were wasting and making money.

The Solution

  • We analyzed their campaigns and structure to identify ways to improve performance.

  • We restructured their campaigns and implemented true tracking across the board so we knew where the profit and wasted ad spend was coming from.

  • After making optimizations from properly structured campaigns allowed us to see which audiences and ads were bringing in the sales and which were wasting ad spend

The Results

$100K Saved After accurate data reporting and correctly structured campaigns we helped them to save $100K in ad spend.
2x in salesAs a direct result of quality tracking they increased their sales revenue by 200% whilst halving their ad spend
30 daysAfter true tracking was implemented thery started to see dramatic results within the first 30 days