The Challenge

  • Wealth Factory had a great product and service, but struggled to identify their target market.

  • They didn't have a video that accurately represented their brand.

  • They largely dependent on one ad network and wanted to expand into YouTube.

Garrett Gunderson | Financial Coach

“We help business owners and Entrepreneurs from leaking cash in their business. We knew we have a great product but just couldn't nail our 'buyers' market. VPM not only achieved this for us with our highest engaging video ever, but right out of the gate started flooding us with hundreds of high quality leads that turned into sales.”

The Solution

  • We created an “Edutainment” video ad that was able to excite viewers and demonstrate the product.

  • Work closely with them after we created their brand builder video to ensure they had a smooth and successful launch onto YouTube ads.

  • Ensuring that the leads they were generating from YouTube were 'buyers' and not 'tire kickers'.

The Results

100's Hundreds of leads generated every week that lead to book and program purchases.
40% The YouTube ad we created for them was getting an amazing 40% View Rate (normal is 22%)
1 week Was getting hundreds of leads from the very first weel of launch and this continued for week in week out.